Friday, November 25, 2005


i'm sick & tired of being scolded everyday at home...
yay! watched harry potter and the goblet of fire
it sooo rocks! can sumone PLEASE send me e booklist thx
and can someone pls tag my blog? izit that unworthy of tagging?
i already changed my tagboard 3 times b'cos of the lack of tags?
(primary skool) class gathering closing in... Why does it have to be a sunday?
will try my best to make it.... what if i hav to leave early?
the holidays are exhausting reaaly fast...

Saturday, November 19, 2005


school hols are sooo boring...aiyo so much homework!!! heymath and stuff
i forgot to take e book list... can sumone pls send it to me
mum jus went op and she's staying @ home like for 2 WHOLE WEEKS
sumtimes it can be good... but it can also be bad, REAL BAD
my mum n my maid are lyk...
most of the tym fighting, or ganging up to scold or lecture me
n my mum is lyk whole day asking me to sit straight n brush my teeth
its lyk... who wud take ONE bite out of an apple n then go... "oh! apple's sweet, will spoil my teeth! better go brush my teeth!" and then start brushing teeth lyk ten times a day! at that rate, theteeth will wear out faster than the toothbrush! and then she says holidays are not for holidaying... must study........
and then i hav this chiropractic thingy 3 times a week. and it's @ hdb hub at TOA PAYOH! its lyk i takes 1 hour for the bus ride frm my house and then i still hav tuition and piano lessons...(actually i dun mind piano lessons)
budden bcos of all these... im lyk busier than sch days *sobs*

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


today i went to the asian civilisations museum
it was lyk SO COOL
there was lyk 8 galleries
so many activities during e hols
footdrill com selection and home visit and footdrill bronze
so many new albums coming out and i haven't had e time and $$$ to go buy...

Sunday, October 23, 2005


results are OUT
didnt do that well for math and science as usual
don't know whether i'll be 'kicked' out of the school
mad rush over the barang barang sale
dunno whether they'll(as in my classmates, especially those in publicity) memorise the jingle, dunno whether they completed the poster(publicity and decor)
poor syaqiqah is the only in packaging who is actually doing something
i try to help her when it's not my job to(but we're frens so i dun mind), dunno whether the volunteers will rmbr to go to the stall, dunno whether the helpers will rmbr to stay back and worried that our things might not be sold
this is so frustrating...

Thursday, September 08, 2005


so long didnt post anything here oready
the hols r here!
HOT NEWS: Ayuni's mom is PREGNANT
finally get to learn fur elise by beethoven for piano WOOHOO!
anyone noes whether there is new timetable for term 4?
havent even started history performance assesment!
talentime!(RCY) singing is INDIVIDUAL! aaaaarrrrggggghhhh
dancing is compulsory!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?OMG
juz checking with ppl hol hw:
english (letter-writing)
history workbook & performance assesment
art (mindmap)
music (composing)
heymath (geometry)
anymore? if yes, pls contact me via msn or phone... thx

Monday, August 08, 2005


syafiqah & me have become the official loansharks & providers for sec1 squad(RC)
we have to provided so much stuff
& lend out so much $$$
wat's more,
we do everything...
lyk da list for the 5 days of Aug...
why cant somrone else be responsible for once, just ONCE?
like we(syafiqah & me)always say
let's take a month off, for a start let's do nothing for August(except da list)
on thursdat if we both are free, wanna gossip about (heehee..)???
let's enjoy ourselves for da hols (u=chalet, me=sentosa)

Thursday, July 21, 2005


went to watch clare yeo concert @ esplanade
she was like so pro
if only i could play like her
not in this lifetime...
today's training was fun
but for PT only 2 ppl (syafiqah and me) could hold out
actually i cud still take it...
i juz needed to stop for a while
but i made it...hurhur
vjy was feeling too "unwell"<<<(like real) to report...
so i replaced her...
btw, these ppl still owe me money, so u'all better return soon...
1.Fifee >>> $3.50
2.Ameerah>>> $2.50
3.Devi >>> $2.50
4.vjy >>> $3.20

Thursday, July 14, 2005


school was good...
but that's not all
the Ma'ams lyk praised us a bit(of cos a bit of reprimanding was inevitable)
all the things we did today was lyk ultra fun
but the best part...
i took da same bus as Ma'am Yik Ka today!!! (with syafiqah & luthfiyyah)
in my 6 months in TKGRCY, i have taken buses with so many Ma'ams
but Ma'am Yik Ka was the one and only one that talked to us...
she was so nice... (no offence to the other Ma'ams)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


so long didnt post anything here already...
bad things:
failed GK test (65.5/100)
i didnt noe how to write more than 12 words in today's chinese spelling
science and MT CA tmr
havent studied for them
gd things:

Saturday, June 25, 2005

oh no!

Skool's gonna reopen in 2 days
n i havent completed the TON of homework
history is starting and its da FIRST lesson of da term
there's a problem
someone in da squad returned her progress report to the tchr
without photocopying
and we are so gonna get into trouble

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Dada is coming back today!!
this so rawks!!
i must spend a bit more effort in cleaning da house
coz when she comes back, no more housework frm mon to sat!
another thing...
i'll get all the things dat i asked her 2 buy today!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


i juz hate it when all da work is thrown at me
so much...
skool homework
tuition homework
i wont be able to take it much longer
luckily dada is coming back nxt mon to relief my 'stress'
yesterday, i went out wif my mum,bro,aunt,cousins(aged 5 & 3)
it was so fun, my bro was such a superb baby-sitter
able to handle those 2 todds
my specs broke!
n my new specs make me look so nerdy!
dunno how m i gonna take it if all my classmates laugh at me when skool reopens
(for all 1e4-ers hu read dis b4 skool reopens, pls dun laugh at me k?)

Monday, June 13, 2005


2 days since dada left for her hol
i'm missin her already...
mentally and emotionally
had 2 do all da housework
with a bit of my brother's help
didn't really expect it 2 be so tiring
she has been taking care of me ever since i was born
we are so bonded
she always lends a helping hand when i haf probs
and a helping ear when i haf secrets
she's lyk my 1/2 mum
i miss her
im waiting for her...

Friday, June 10, 2005


yesterdae's math tuition was extended for 1 whole hour!
went all da way 2 ARC in ang mo kio to attend the ARC campfire
then there was this freak who kept tokking to me & shaking my hand,
then he held my hand & asked me to stand up...
he refused to let go of my hand for a few secs...
it was so embarrasing!
ARC is so freaky!!!
luckily its all over...