Tuesday, May 30, 2006


yay i juz changed my blog music(e old wan so boring)
this holiday got so many projects!!! cannot enjoy anymore(sad)
*p.s. all squaddies: can we have superglue at airpot? lol

this is a really short post haha

Sunday, May 21, 2006

angry me

i hate being sick(or at least not feeling well)
i cudn't do PT
i cudn't go for GOH that i had been sooooooooooo looking forward to
i cudn't go for the practice
i cudn't hand in debrief
i cudn't hand in my english so i had ta ask sumone to do it for me
it's basically, u can't do ANYTHING

we, sec2s are being FRAMED for tagging on the main tkgrcy blog as in typing like ridiculously rude stuff and that person put her name as "sec2"
now, the sec1s are accusing us of accusing them(errrrmmmmm)
we are just asking them to VERIFY whether they did it or not and ask then to tell the TRUTH i dunno whether their denying is true(ya but like who will ever own up?)or not(btw i was not there)
but nevertheless, they shouldn't say such things about us
if they think we're accusing them then JUST SAY IT OUT LOUD, dun later complain behind our backs and say they wanna respect us so they cannot talk back, is that wat u call RESPECT? we try to trust the sec1s. actually in fact we do trust them, but we just wanted to CLARIFY things, that's all to it.
and by the way, its because we trust them and are too lenient that's why some of them are going WAY OVERBOARD.(kindly take note: SOME of them)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


i totally hate this
i like messed up the whole part of changing ranks
luckily i didnt take silver.... if not it wud have been double failure
then my squadmates try to console me "dun be so sad lah" how the hell u expect me nt to be sad?
obviously u all can say thet larhx! all of u all pass what... can get best scorer for this, best scorer for that... the ma'ams tell me i fail my a bit(when i see how the ma'ams look at me i noe i confirm fail one
i noe i suck... i noe my squaddies dun really like me(dun go n tell me i'm over sensitive) maybe i am, but i can feel it. i noe u all i tink am irritating blabla..
[if any squadmates happen to read this, dun tok 2 me about it]-> but i bet no one ever bothers to read my blog
i am SO NOT gonna even try to take part in fdc nxt year NEVER
i dowan to have anything to do wif footdrill anymore
ok, now for the consolation...
I PASSED MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the 1st time this year...yayyyyyyy
also its only 26.5/40, at least i passed! whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee