Saturday, July 22, 2006


yesterday juz had carnival day. the kids were SO CUTE!!!
there was this boy who kept shaking and knocking his heah.
and this girl with a chopstick in her hair came up to clara n me and said "can i tell u a joke?" so we said yes. then she said "why did the shark sneeze? coz it was salt water" haha not funny but cute lol.
then was training hahahahaha (syafiqah and ayuni and me...)
i survived PT!!! hooray! 3 rounds i can do it... oleoleoleole
actually coz it wasnt too fast lyk last week.
aiyo today's flag day cancelled ):
oh and yesterday there was the subject comb briefing. and it was lyk after training la and we were lyk sweaty and everything. it was quite long and after that i asked my dad why his face was so red and he said " inside so hot. iwant to sleep" haha
i dunno why the fans were blowing towards the stage when there was no one on it la! make us suffer only. then aft that my parents INSISTED on seeing mr yap.
now i have to do assesments for mr yap so he can check and tell my parents wats wrong wif my math :(( and then they wanted to see mr ho but then mr ho like dun care wan so they didnt. they nvr noticed that i worked so hard so that i cud get A1 last term. thay still tink my maths and science is bad lyk anything.
they dun understand me. they wan me to talk, to discuss. but i dun like that. in fact, i HATE that. nvr mind that.
anyway there are lyk so many CAs nxt week and i havent even started studying coz i dunno wat to study.

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