Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yay i just changed my blogskin.... The only thing i dun like is the "i lurve mi" part at the bottom of every post. Dunno how to change that.... Its actually quite disgusting and a bit "cheena" haha. But i love the song, took a loooong time finding it. yay
enjoyed my trip in bangkok a lot. did lots of shopping(:
just collected my report card today. improved from last year(but still quite bad)
last year, (this year)
eng-69 (67)
chi-74 (69)
maths-39 (56)
science-55 (73)
geog-72 (60)
hist-67 (61)
lit-62 (62)
dnt-69 (71)
home ec-51 (74)
art-64 (72)
class-31/39 (22/41)
level-296/354 (160/367)

So sad last day of school's tmr. Must enjoy it to the fullest.

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