Sunday, February 12, 2006


new sec 1s! 11 of them
it is hard teaching the sec 1s cos its like we dunno wat to teach by when then if we leave sth out then we scolded by the ma'ams. i noe its somewhat our fault but...
then its like... when we want to teach them sth then they dun turn up, esp during recess. some of them cant even communicate within their own class. 1 comsolation: at least the greeting not so bad(only for us) but then they still dunno the ma'ams so they dun greet them. then that huifen, devi and vejaya scold the sec 1s until so exaggerated. they dun hav to do that wat... abit only then shout at them.
some of them are really very good.(enthu) but the rest... i noe we oso very slack, so cant complain.
as for the red cross fund, still got squaddies nvr gimme baqck the money. dat's why i totally hate collecting rc fund. then that hui fen tell e ma'ams that she will be taking the video then in the end she didnt take. when i ask her then she say "nvr mind,later" then aft training when we didnt take anything then she keep pestering me about when to take the video.i already tell her that i cannot meet during weekends but she still keep pestering me. wat's the point? the other ppl in video award oso cant meet... now hav to meet on monday AND tuesday!
hooray i passed geog! but i failed maths, its lyk i failed by only half mark!!! and something wierd is happening to me, i actually like SCIENCE!!! i can understand mr ho teaching balancing equations better than my tuition teacher. whoopee!

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