Sunday, April 09, 2006


more about farewell...
first, we got ready and stuff, bag check, blablabla
then we took 2 buses to the chalet and it was like such a loooooong journey
then alisa wanted to pee and then we keep teasing her bout it then suddenly
she passed it to me!!! then i oso so desperately wanted to pee
but we were still in the bus...
then we finally reached the chalet, but we still had to wait coz ma'am yan ying had to check in for us. then finally the chalet was opened! (it was like heaven)
but ya noe the chalet place was so creepy and it was right opposite the old changi hospital and right in front of the sea... and then we were told during history lesson that that was were the sook ching took place(so scary)
then coz the ma'ams havent arrive yet so we practised our performance items and then syafiqah was like staring at the hospital and her face was like she was longing to go it there... it was so freaky
then finally the ma'ams arrived and the sec1s starting screaming for no apparent reason. then coz it started drizzling so the games were only nearby (we didnt get too wet) but after the third game we had to like clean up the mess that the other grps and oso contributed to :(
then after that we had to change in to our performane attire
then syafiqah and ameerah had to leave... it was like so sad but ameerah seemed so happy. wth!!!
then after that we ate our dinner and then we all crammed into a stuffy room and started practising. then after very long, the performance began.
first it was dance, then sec1 squad song, then prize presentation then skit then sec2 squad song then fdc song when ma'am ying qi started crying after the first few words. then mass song, we got to hug all the ma'ams and then everyone started crying and stuff. then after that was speech and story. there were many sad, happy, funny etc but i didnt listen to all cos halfway isabel was not feeling well and it was getting late. then it was commitee announcement, but then it was so rushed and everything. then after that we started going back but the bus took so long to come
then by the time we reached the mrt station guess what? i missed the last train!
so i had to take the taxi home and spend $6.75 :(
yah and thats the end. the ma'ams stepped down and it ended just like that

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