Sunday, November 11, 2007


The holidays have finally begun!!!
Watched stardust on thurday!!!! It was marvelously nice!! And uhh.. peachy:D And the captain was bloody cute(: *eeehh*
We had to go to 3 cinemas to find places and in the end we didn't even get to sit together. *Can't wait for the movie marathon next month:D
On friday, we had combined dragon boating with crescent girls' red cross. It was FUN! I really enjoyed it, I hope I will get to oppurtunities to dragin boat.. Whee!! After that Luth and I had to rush to Macpherson to meet the person in charge at the old folks home. It was VERY difficult to catch a cab while standing at the roadside of the highway. Is it illegal? I'm not sure. Anyway, I finally managed to confirm a home visit. That's one mpre thing done. YAY.
Today we went for the remembrance day at Kranji War Memorial and Labrador Battery. I woke up at 5am today!! I think it's the earliest I've ever woken up on a Sunday. It was a bit boring and my legs and shoulders were very sore from standing in that slope for an hour in 'senang-diri' position, but it was quite meaningful.
Tomorrow's job attachment day! Hooray!
Songs stuck in my head today: Indian thriller song, D is for Dangerous

Proof of how crappy the quiet and (you might think she was) emo bookworm Shahiylia can be: (no offence Shahiylia!)
Read from the bottom and go upwards.
shah: OH GOD. How could I have effing missed him!? There's another captain in my life I failed to mention, sorry dearie: Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg
9 Nov 07, 10:22
shah: He's a man. They're both men. HAHA.
9 Nov 07, 10:22
shah: For all you innocent unassuming people out there, do not presume Bellimai's a woman just because of the feminine name.
9 Nov 07, 10:20
shah: Since I've already flooded your blog I shall now make my leave. Oh, Captain William Harper goes with Bellimai Sykes in the end. And they did it too. And nobody died. WOOHOO.
9 Nov 07, 10:20
shah: And now...Captain Shakespeare. Yes. That's his name. I just googled it. =)
9 Nov 07, 10:19
shah: So many captains in my life, so little time. There's Captain Jack Sparrow, and then Captain William Harper from Wicked Gentlemen, Captain Jack Harkness...
9 Nov 07, 10:17
shah: Something's obviously going on b/w the both of 'em.
9 Nov 07, 10:17
shah: And Victoria's pissed off expression when she saw? GAYDAR PINGING. (not that it hasn't already pinged long ago)
9 Nov 07, 10:16
shah: My love for the Captain knows no bounds...what's his name anyway? I LOVE HIM. And did you see the wink he gave Victoria's husband at the end of the movie?
9 Nov 07, 10:15
shah: Sorry. Going a bit Stardust mad.
9 Nov 07, 10:14
9 Nov 07, 10:14
shah: I can't believe how strict RC is. I mean... the juniors have to call you Ma'am even ONLINE???
9 Nov 07, 10:13
shah: Fine. I can see the suspense is killing you so I shall tell you...ERE'S SHAH!
9 Nov 07, 10:12
anon: WHOOOPSIE. Double posting. Yes. The choice of using whoopsie was deliberate. (starust reference!) If you still haven't guessed by now then I'm severely disappointed.
9 Nov 07, 10:11
anon: Whoa. This Ming person really likes you doesn't she? Anyway...DETOUR DETOUR. Guess who I am?
9 Nov 07, 10:10
anon: Whoa. This Ming person really likes you doesn't she? Anyway...DETOUR DETOUR. Guess who I am?
2 Nov 07, 15:46

OK Shahiylia, I'll just reply to you lamely with one BIG smile. Does that freak you out? Haha.. If you're screaming over the captains, I shall scream over them, and make weird 'eeeehh~' noises with you. :D Laughs

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