Saturday, November 25, 2006


lalalala!!! yesterday went to vivocity with clara and my bro
at first it was quite pathetic cos there was supposed to be 6 ppl going and 3 ppl backed out last miunute, literally. so we stood like despo(s) at the mrt station calling literally everyone to ask whether they could come, but unfortunately it was too last minute so no one could come. nxt time pls dun... it's depressing
but it was quite fun... looking at all those accesories lol.
we watched
that new james bond, daniel craig is ugly at first glance, but as you kept watching you find that he's not that bad-looking after all.(he's really hot actually) he acts well, i find this the best 007 movie so far(:
* yay and i FINALLY got a thumbdrive!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


ok. i'm now officially not going to shanghai, cos i'm too young.[oooh]
and it changed to a 1 week holiday by myself. so my dad said i wud'nt be fun and withdrew me from it((:
today had a class gathering with miss tong at pizza hut.(which was so near my home but i didnt noe and tot we had to meet in school so i walked all the way to school in heels only to find out we had to walk back bcos it was at pizza hut)omg i hate walking so far in heels lol. i guess it's kinda like my fault!
aaaahhh!!! everyone's growing sooo tall!!! i need ta grow taller, but i guess im gonna be stuck at 170.... not so bad lar(just keep on wearing those heels)
miss tong was so nice and paid for our meal... she should'nt have actually, i fell kinda guilty. everyone was commenting on how i was so quiet, haha. guess i'm more of a listener. and the waiter was so cute, he was shy and he got a response of at least 4 "huh?"s at everything he the b'day song part was fun too!!!they were playing a b'day song for the ppl inside so after the song, we all clapped and cheered,the ppl inside looked shocked(:
btw, i can't believe miss tong went for slimming. she is already soo skinny!!! if she considers herself fat, then what am i? lol
I GOT INTO 3/1. double science, econs, elec.geog and i've got shahiylia, nadia.l and yisze in the same class, as well as isabel, devi and sheree(WHOHOO)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


**takes a deep breath
ok.... i am feeling better today. i have finish reading 3 out of the 8 books i borrowed and am starting on the fourth, as i have nothing to do today and every night so i spend the whole time reading....
and i'm going to shanghai,china for 3 whole weeks to work!!!!(part-time and my mum says it's just probably shopping the whole time but i don't really think so) omg! all on my own with my mum's friend's wife and daughter. and i don't even get to stay in a hotel, but in my mom's friend's cousin's apartment and maybe i'd have to share room and i can't do my personal stuff and also i can't wake up late.(and i probably also can't bathe for my 45mins)i hope i can take SIA....
i'm not really looking forward to it as i will miss my chalet and be all alone, but there's really no point objecting cos everyone says it's a good experience and i'll be forced to go anyway.
all this will add up to 4 weeks away from home. 3 weeks in china and 1 week in OBS...
i have just bought this pair of Elle shoes that makes me 180cm(or 179.5 to be precise) when i stand on them! whopee!!! haha and i'm going to get a pair of Valentino shoes...yay

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


i currently HATE my m** and m***. they are such b*tches!!!!!
they're so stupid and they dunno how to do simple things like operating the vcd/dvd player and they expect me to do everything, like putting in and taking out the discs. then they piss off at me for wanting to listen to the korean version and not chinese...
and they talk about me behind my back, i heard every single thing, idiots
then i front of me they act all normal, filthy hypocrites
they are the worst ppl u can ever noe!!!
and also because of what happened over the shoes. CURSE THEM.
back to happy stuff. today's piano lesson was rather enjoyable. yay!
but the vivocity outing is cancelled coz everybody backed out. so tmr's another day at home seeing those irritating faces *sigh*
this is my most vulgar post ever... but this IS THE THE MOST PISSED OFF I HAVE EVER BEEN...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

yay! not

i have JUST went for the medical checkup for obs.
i told my parents at 6pm today...then i didn't write my name and i was sorta lectured by my parents and the doctor for being so last minute and not writing my name.... then after that the doctor say my heart beat very fast and i got "high blood pressure" WTF?!?!?!?!
why must we attend the st**id OBS?! worst of all, it's on my BIRTHDAY
i have reached my target 170cm!!! but i hope i can stay as right marker though...
but i am f**king overweight... but i am fit for OBS!!!! sh*t!!!
and i got in for footdrill, i cant believe in got in!!!! i mean my fd sucks and i don't really like it and....(so on and so forth)
i can't wait for 10,13,15and 16 nov... WOOTS!!!

kim jeong hoon is hot(:

Monday, November 06, 2006


saturday evening went to vivocity.... it was quite big, nice and new
bought 2 cds: kim jeong hoon best album, and goong ost, and 1 set of vcd: princess hours. my lovely sam soon was out of stock.. sad
but the shops close so early, just 10+ and some of the shops start closong already
hmmm, need to buy new pencil case and schoolbag already
days to subject combination results: 8
nowadays at home quite boring, wake up, bathe, breakfast,tv/computer,lunch,a bit of studying/reading, tv/computer, dinner, tv, bathe, tv, read, sleep
a more intersting one is, wake up, breakfast, bathe, "go out" cum lunch, dinner, bathe, tv, read, sleep.... haha
watched flushed away on nov2, it was really funny. and the slugs could sing really well(:
quote: when the cat is away, the mice will play