Thursday, November 16, 2006


ok. i'm now officially not going to shanghai, cos i'm too young.[oooh]
and it changed to a 1 week holiday by myself. so my dad said i wud'nt be fun and withdrew me from it((:
today had a class gathering with miss tong at pizza hut.(which was so near my home but i didnt noe and tot we had to meet in school so i walked all the way to school in heels only to find out we had to walk back bcos it was at pizza hut)omg i hate walking so far in heels lol. i guess it's kinda like my fault!
aaaahhh!!! everyone's growing sooo tall!!! i need ta grow taller, but i guess im gonna be stuck at 170.... not so bad lar(just keep on wearing those heels)
miss tong was so nice and paid for our meal... she should'nt have actually, i fell kinda guilty. everyone was commenting on how i was so quiet, haha. guess i'm more of a listener. and the waiter was so cute, he was shy and he got a response of at least 4 "huh?"s at everything he the b'day song part was fun too!!!they were playing a b'day song for the ppl inside so after the song, we all clapped and cheered,the ppl inside looked shocked(:
btw, i can't believe miss tong went for slimming. she is already soo skinny!!! if she considers herself fat, then what am i? lol
I GOT INTO 3/1. double science, econs, elec.geog and i've got shahiylia, nadia.l and yisze in the same class, as well as isabel, devi and sheree(WHOHOO)

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