Tuesday, December 12, 2006


last week i went to stay in the pasir ris chalet. had a few days of fun(:
having all the tuition piano lessons and stuff
today i missed the SANA thing cos of piano lesson!!
my fav pair is danielle and benji, but i also like travis!!!
started to see this new hk drama: war and beauty. although i'm not very into hk dramas, this one's really not bad.
and fog street is coming out soon!!!! wheeeee. i soo gonna buy it(:
really hope i can go out soon. going to orchard road tmr.
i am currently loving my dad even more cos he's bringing me everywhere to shop with me!!! funny isn't it? dunno wat's got into him (but whatever it is, it's good lol)

Saturday, November 25, 2006


lalalala!!! yesterday went to vivocity with clara and my bro
at first it was quite pathetic cos there was supposed to be 6 ppl going and 3 ppl backed out last miunute, literally. so we stood like despo(s) at the mrt station calling literally everyone to ask whether they could come, but unfortunately it was too last minute so no one could come. nxt time pls dun... it's depressing
but it was quite fun... looking at all those accesories lol.
we watched
that new james bond, daniel craig is ugly at first glance, but as you kept watching you find that he's not that bad-looking after all.(he's really hot actually) he acts well, i find this the best 007 movie so far(:
* yay and i FINALLY got a thumbdrive!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


ok. i'm now officially not going to shanghai, cos i'm too young.[oooh]
and it changed to a 1 week holiday by myself. so my dad said i wud'nt be fun and withdrew me from it((:
today had a class gathering with miss tong at pizza hut.(which was so near my home but i didnt noe and tot we had to meet in school so i walked all the way to school in heels only to find out we had to walk back bcos it was at pizza hut)omg i hate walking so far in heels lol. i guess it's kinda like my fault!
aaaahhh!!! everyone's growing sooo tall!!! i need ta grow taller, but i guess im gonna be stuck at 170.... not so bad lar(just keep on wearing those heels)
miss tong was so nice and paid for our meal... she should'nt have actually, i fell kinda guilty. everyone was commenting on how i was so quiet, haha. guess i'm more of a listener. and the waiter was so cute, he was shy and he got a response of at least 4 "huh?"s at everything he said.lol. the b'day song part was fun too!!!they were playing a b'day song for the ppl inside so after the song, we all clapped and cheered,the ppl inside looked shocked(:
btw, i can't believe miss tong went for slimming. she is already soo skinny!!! if she considers herself fat, then what am i? lol
I GOT INTO 3/1. double science, econs, elec.geog and i've got shahiylia, nadia.l and yisze in the same class, as well as isabel, devi and sheree(WHOHOO)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


**takes a deep breath
ok.... i am feeling better today. i have finish reading 3 out of the 8 books i borrowed and am starting on the fourth, as i have nothing to do today and every night so i spend the whole time reading....
and i'm going to shanghai,china for 3 whole weeks to work!!!!(part-time and my mum says it's just probably shopping the whole time but i don't really think so) omg! all on my own with my mum's friend's wife and daughter. and i don't even get to stay in a hotel, but in my mom's friend's cousin's apartment and maybe i'd have to share room and i can't do my personal stuff and also i can't wake up late.(and i probably also can't bathe for my 45mins)i hope i can take SIA....
i'm not really looking forward to it as i will miss my chalet and be all alone, but there's really no point objecting cos everyone says it's a good experience and i'll be forced to go anyway.
all this will add up to 4 weeks away from home. 3 weeks in china and 1 week in OBS...
i have just bought this pair of Elle shoes that makes me 180cm(or 179.5 to be precise) when i stand on them! whopee!!! haha and i'm going to get a pair of Valentino shoes...yay

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


i currently HATE my m** and m***. they are such b*tches!!!!!
they're so stupid and they dunno how to do simple things like operating the vcd/dvd player and they expect me to do everything, like putting in and taking out the discs. then they piss off at me for wanting to listen to the korean version and not chinese...
and they talk about me behind my back, i heard every single thing, idiots
then i front of me they act all normal, filthy hypocrites
they are the worst ppl u can ever noe!!!
and also because of what happened over the shoes. CURSE THEM.
back to happy stuff. today's piano lesson was rather enjoyable. yay!
but the vivocity outing is cancelled coz everybody backed out. so tmr's another day at home seeing those irritating faces *sigh*
this is my most vulgar post ever... but this IS THE THE MOST PISSED OFF I HAVE EVER BEEN...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

yay! not

i have JUST went for the medical checkup for obs.
i told my parents at 6pm today...then i didn't write my name and i was sorta lectured by my parents and the doctor for being so last minute and not writing my name.... then after that the doctor say my heart beat very fast and i got "high blood pressure" WTF?!?!?!?!
why must we attend the st**id OBS?! worst of all, it's on my BIRTHDAY
i have reached my target 170cm!!! but i hope i can stay as right marker though...
but i am f**king overweight... but i am fit for OBS!!!! sh*t!!!
and i got in for footdrill, i cant believe in got in!!!! i mean my fd sucks and i don't really like it and....(so on and so forth)
i can't wait for 10,13,15and 16 nov... WOOTS!!!

kim jeong hoon is hot(:

Monday, November 06, 2006


saturday evening went to vivocity.... it was quite big, nice and new
bought 2 cds: kim jeong hoon best album, and goong ost, and 1 set of vcd: princess hours. my lovely sam soon was out of stock.. sad
but the shops close so early, just 10+ and some of the shops start closong already
hmmm, need to buy new pencil case and schoolbag already
days to subject combination results: 8
nowadays at home quite boring, wake up, bathe, breakfast,tv/computer,lunch,a bit of studying/reading, tv/computer, dinner, tv, bathe, tv, read, sleep
a more intersting one is, wake up, breakfast, bathe, "go out" cum lunch, dinner, bathe, tv, read, sleep.... haha
watched flushed away on nov2, it was really funny. and the slugs could sing really well(:
quote: when the cat is away, the mice will play

Saturday, October 28, 2006


last friday went out with clara and syafiqah.
there was supposed to be 10 ppl goin out together then all back out and turn out to be only 3 ppl. *sigh*
it was quite fun... window shopping and stuff
we spent a looooooooooooooong time at swensens! i miss the way we tried to get the waiter's attention. just STAARE. lol
then after the ice cream, syafiqah started shivering haha. it was sort of funny and scary. then after that we went taking neoprints.twice. same shop but at different branch. we saw jasmine tye and paul twohill(i wonder why we didnt take photo and ask for autographs, we did it when we saw rahimah ~what~)hmmm.....
the worst part of the whole thing was when i waited for my dad, who said he could pick me, for sooo long. he said he could make it at 6pm so i told him 6.15pm. i reached the station at 6pm and guess what time he reached? 7.15pm!!! i missed the first part of princess hours ): i should have gone home myself. haha

ok.i am temporarily sick of orchad road.
i went last friday and saturday, today, and im going again on thursday.
i hope we can find a date where more ppl can make it and go to vivocity together

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yay i just changed my blogskin.... The only thing i dun like is the "i lurve mi" part at the bottom of every post. Dunno how to change that.... Its actually quite disgusting and a bit "cheena" haha. But i love the song, took a loooong time finding it. yay
enjoyed my trip in bangkok a lot. did lots of shopping(:
just collected my report card today. improved from last year(but still quite bad)
last year, (this year)
eng-69 (67)
chi-74 (69)
maths-39 (56)
science-55 (73)
geog-72 (60)
hist-67 (61)
lit-62 (62)
dnt-69 (71)
home ec-51 (74)
art-64 (72)
class-31/39 (22/41)
level-296/354 (160/367)

So sad last day of school's tmr. Must enjoy it to the fullest.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


mug mug and mugging
ahh... EOYs are gonna end soon
3 more exams
2 more days
aiya i'm sooo gonna flunk history and math and geog
wonder why my music's not working anymore....
hmm.. this is a really short post.
must get back to mugging

Sunday, September 10, 2006


garr! i want 70%! i want 70%!
i dont want 67%!(although its an improvement) but i want 70%!!!
ok enough of that...

went to batam... everything was sooo CHEAP!!! if only we had a bit more shopping time i wud have bought everything in the shopping centre!
haha and we got 30hrs cip!!
lemme tell u a funny experience.
ya noe the sijo** resort there, its like not the lobby downstairs then the rooms upstairs. its like the room are like somewhere far away and must climb a lot of steps and go thru this like forest thing. and then batam's time is 1hr back, meaning at 7pm, its really really dark. so alisa and me were supposed to go for dinner atm 7, we were a bit late and it was super dark. alisa was walking really fast, so i ran to keep up with her. and she asked me why i was running, so i told her it was bcoz i was TOO FAR BEHIND HER, but she heard it as THERE WAS SOMEONE BEHIND HER. then she started screaming. and i tot she was something, so i started screaming too, so we both ran down together screaming. and it was so scary coz it was so dark we cudnt even see the steps properly. lame rite? we were practically scary ourselves.
then the nxt day, i was still freaked out, and guess wat we found in the toilet,. a cocroach. and once again we screamed. then after that, our sec1s asked us to have a party with them, and we asked whether we could move in with them, and therefore there was 6ppl sleeping in 1 room.
ohya and the sec1s brought us out for a night trail it was really scary and one of our sec1s looked really like a ghost in the night.haha

got more fun things lol...
btw, my bag was so heavy it was a torture carrying it down the stairs XD

Thursday, August 31, 2006


term3 progress report is out....
I WANT 70%!!!!!
geog so low... all becoz of that project. the whole cohort average oso very low
if nvm plus that 6% i tink whole cohort fail.
if only i didnt fail geog...if only...
this september holiday must mug like wat!!!
btw today's tchr's day. went back to primary school
i tink i'm lyk drifting away. its like now there's no converation, everything's like so awkward.haha and i didnt give any presents coz i forgot all about them. anyway my wrapping's so ugly that i wud feel embarassed to give it to them lol
there's someone, whom i was quite close to: x. and now i am feeling extremely irritated with x. i feel like slapping x in the face. stupid x!!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


today i'm gonna post on wat i feel about Singapore Idol 2006
**pls note that this is solely my opinion and that it is not bias coz i do not vote haha. pls do not take anything to heart thx...

today rahimah out... sooo unexpected


on looks:

on voice:

Saturday, July 22, 2006


yesterday juz had carnival day. the kids were SO CUTE!!!
there was this boy who kept shaking and knocking his heah.
and this girl with a chopstick in her hair came up to clara n me and said "can i tell u a joke?" so we said yes. then she said "why did the shark sneeze? coz it was salt water" haha not funny but cute lol.
then was training hahahahaha (syafiqah and ayuni and me...)
i survived PT!!! hooray! 3 rounds i can do it... oleoleoleole
actually coz it wasnt too fast lyk last week.
aiyo today's flag day cancelled ):
oh and yesterday there was the subject comb briefing. and it was lyk after training la and we were lyk sweaty and everything. it was quite long and after that i asked my dad why his face was so red and he said " inside so hot. iwant to sleep" haha
i dunno why the fans were blowing towards the stage when there was no one on it la! make us suffer only. then aft that my parents INSISTED on seeing mr yap.
now i have to do assesments for mr yap so he can check and tell my parents wats wrong wif my math :(( and then they wanted to see mr ho but then mr ho like dun care wan so they didnt. they nvr noticed that i worked so hard so that i cud get A1 last term. thay still tink my maths and science is bad lyk anything.
they dun understand me. they wan me to talk, to discuss. but i dun like that. in fact, i HATE that. nvr mind that.
anyway there are lyk so many CAs nxt week and i havent even started studying coz i dunno wat to study.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


countdown to using comp:
ahhh, i using outside comp. $1 for 15min. spent $3 lioazz
ahhh. very long nvr blog already
maths test!!! ahhh.... hope i pass, i had like a total of 15min, but i didnt noe how to do!!!
science test nxt. do difficult :(
5min more
watched pirates of the carribean... going to watch it again:)
ndp, hmmm... actually rute, its quite slack lol...
i'm sooo ganna failfailfail!!! i run like so slow lar. last yr i can run like 2 roung widout stopping. now, onli 1!!!
and dey increase the pull ups to 3!!! im so dead.
1min more...

-gets cut off-

Thursday, July 06, 2006


You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Should Be An Aquarius

What's good about you: philosophical and idealistic, you are a great thinker

What's bad about you: you require a lot of space - it's hard to get close to you

In love: you're quirky and playful, but you hate to be smothered

In friendship, you're: likely to have many acquaintances and very few good friends

Your ideal job: pilot, snow boarder, or science fiction writer

Your sense of fashion: unconventional, unique outfits that turn heads

You like to pig out on: anything with garlic or unique spices

You Were a Spider

You tend to be the master weaver of fate - both for yourself and those you know.
A creative force, you tend to work from divine inspiration.

Your Birthdate: January 23

You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability

Your weakness: You never feel satisfied

Your power color: Bright yellow

Your power symbol: Asterisk

Your power month: May

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.
You tend to be successful at anything you try.
A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.


You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Should Be An Aquarius

What's good about you: philosophical and idealistic, you are a great thinker

What's bad about you: you require a lot of space - it's hard to get close to you

In love: you're quirky and playful, but you hate to be smothered

In friendship, you're: likely to have many acquaintances and very few good friends

Your ideal job: pilot, snow boarder, or science fiction writer

Your sense of fashion: unconventional, unique outfits that turn heads

You like to pig out on: anything with garlic or unique spices

You Were a Spider

You tend to be the master weaver of fate - both for yourself and those you know.
A creative force, you tend to work from divine inspiration.

Your Birthdate: January 23

You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability

Your weakness: You never feel satisfied

Your power color: Bright yellow

Your power symbol: Asterisk

Your power month: May

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.
You tend to be successful at anything you try.
A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.


Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

Your Power Level is: 70%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

You Should Be a Musician

You have a rare combinations of talents: an ear for music, nimble fingers, and the willpower to practice.
You could master almost any instrument you choose to play (if you haven't already!)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Your IQ Is 105

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Average

Your Stress Level is: 30%

You are slightly prone to stress, but generally you keep it under control.
You know how to relax and take things as they come, even when your worlds seems to be falling apart.
Occasionally, you do let yourself get stressed out, but you snap out of it pretty quickly.


hahaha...juz found out who is channing tatum
he's the guy from she's the man... forgot his on-screen name lol.
he looks kinda hot in the movie but not so in pictures(no offence felicia)
the watched superman...wakakakakaka
as in yea... you noe... cute in pictures too. yay

my mortals are ODD
whenever i see them then i say hi, they just shy away or sth, pretending they dont noe me???? humph

now is week2
the year is going to be over soon... i'll miss my classmates!(well most of them)
nxt wk the tests will be flooding/gushing/watever in...

ok... better get back to maths project...

Thursday, June 29, 2006


i'm in the school com lab now. com lab1 to be exact.
supposed to be doing the maths project powerpoint but now watching youtube videos and listening to anime songs...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


yay i juz changed my blog music(e old wan so boring)
this holiday got so many projects!!! cannot enjoy anymore(sad)
*p.s. all squaddies: can we have superglue at airpot? lol

this is a really short post haha

Sunday, May 21, 2006

angry me

i hate being sick(or at least not feeling well)
i cudn't do PT
i cudn't go for GOH that i had been sooooooooooo looking forward to
i cudn't go for the practice
i cudn't hand in debrief
i cudn't hand in my english so i had ta ask sumone to do it for me
it's basically, u can't do ANYTHING

we, sec2s are being FRAMED for tagging on the main tkgrcy blog as in typing like ridiculously rude stuff and that person put her name as "sec2"
now, the sec1s are accusing us of accusing them(errrrmmmmm)
we are just asking them to VERIFY whether they did it or not and ask then to tell the TRUTH i dunno whether their denying is true(ya but like who will ever own up?)or not(btw i was not there)
but nevertheless, they shouldn't say such things about us
if they think we're accusing them then JUST SAY IT OUT LOUD, dun later complain behind our backs and say they wanna respect us so they cannot talk back, is that wat u call RESPECT? we try to trust the sec1s. actually in fact we do trust them, but we just wanted to CLARIFY things, that's all to it.
and by the way, its because we trust them and are too lenient that's why some of them are going WAY OVERBOARD.(kindly take note: SOME of them)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


i totally hate this
i like messed up the whole part of changing ranks
luckily i didnt take silver.... if not it wud have been double failure
then my squadmates try to console me "dun be so sad lah" how the hell u expect me nt to be sad?
obviously u all can say thet larhx! all of u all pass what... can get best scorer for this, best scorer for that... the ma'ams tell me i fail my a bit(when i see how the ma'ams look at me i noe i confirm fail one
i noe i suck... i noe my squaddies dun really like me(dun go n tell me i'm over sensitive) maybe i am, but i can feel it. i noe u all i tink am irritating blabla..
[if any squadmates happen to read this, dun tok 2 me about it]-> but i bet no one ever bothers to read my blog
i am SO NOT gonna even try to take part in fdc nxt year NEVER
i dowan to have anything to do wif footdrill anymore
ok, now for the consolation...
I PASSED MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the 1st time this year...yayyyyyyy
also its only 26.5/40, at least i passed! whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee

Saturday, April 15, 2006


thursdayfootdrill bronze was CANCELLED!
i was like so nervous the day before and i was getting ready my uniform and everyting
and i was practising footdrill practically everywhere! like in the toilet or living room then i suddenly fall in and command myself and execute thr command then fall out lolx!( i must have been crazy) then suddenly ma'am mumtaz call me and tell me it was cancelled. i was like eeeeeeerrrmmmmmm...... :))
then during science class i jus put my head on the table for 5 seconds then mr ho tot i was sleeping so he ask me to go up and balance the chemical equation thingy then he said "i noe u were sleeping" i was like "what the hell" luckily the equation was easy to balance. Hhhhhhhhmmmmm.... ohya on thurs day i went home super early. only stay back for lunch then syafiqah and me "ran" home lol.
nth much, went to the temple to pray to ancestors coz i tink it was all souls day...
i went for tuition which was like 10am!!! sooo early!
and i was like the first one there. i was actually on time. i broke my reputation for being late haha. then yesterday night and today morning from 8am to 9am i rush all my wksheets and i completed EVERYTHING and i actually got praised by mrs fun(tuition tchr) for completing my work (i'm so happy)
after tat i went home (took same bus as wendy n her mom)
then later i went to parkway(PP) to shop wif my mom.
i bought 2 pairs of shoes!!! one for normal days and e other is the black shoes for red cross coz my old shoes dunno why but the colour runs then everytime after i wear then my socks and feet become black! and the cloth at the bottom keeps coming off haha. then i bought myself a new pillow, new shirts, new jeans and ice-cream!
nth much to write about anymore... haha

Sunday, April 09, 2006


more about farewell...
first, we got ready and stuff, bag check, blablabla
then we took 2 buses to the chalet and it was like such a loooooong journey
then alisa wanted to pee and then we keep teasing her bout it then suddenly
she passed it to me!!! then i oso so desperately wanted to pee
but we were still in the bus...
then we finally reached the chalet, but we still had to wait coz ma'am yan ying had to check in for us. then finally the chalet was opened! (it was like heaven)
but ya noe the chalet place was so creepy and it was right opposite the old changi hospital and right in front of the sea... and then we were told during history lesson that that was were the sook ching took place(so scary)
then coz the ma'ams havent arrive yet so we practised our performance items and then syafiqah was like staring at the hospital and her face was like she was longing to go it there... it was so freaky
then finally the ma'ams arrived and the sec1s starting screaming for no apparent reason. then coz it started drizzling so the games were only nearby (we didnt get too wet) but after the third game we had to like clean up the mess that the other grps and oso contributed to :(
then after that we had to change in to our performane attire
then syafiqah and ameerah had to leave... it was like so sad but ameerah seemed so happy. wth!!!
then after that we ate our dinner and then we all crammed into a stuffy room and started practising. then after very long, the performance began.
first it was dance, then sec1 squad song, then prize presentation then skit then sec2 squad song then fdc song when ma'am ying qi started crying after the first few words. then mass song, we got to hug all the ma'ams and then everyone started crying and stuff. then after that was speech and story. there were many sad, happy, funny etc but i didnt listen to all cos halfway isabel was not feeling well and it was getting late. then it was commitee announcement, but then it was so rushed and everything. then after that we started going back but the bus took so long to come
then by the time we reached the mrt station guess what? i missed the last train!
so i had to take the taxi home and spend $6.75 :(
yah and thats the end. the ma'ams stepped down and it ended just like that

Saturday, April 08, 2006


omg like yesterday was FAREWELL
it's all over:(
why? why? why?
why did the ma'ams have to step down so fast?
i gonna miss
Ma'am Ying Qi
Ma'am Pauline
Ma'am Filza
Ma'am Kirstie
Ma'am Jeannie
Ma'am Samantha
Ma'am Tanglin
Ma'am Soo Ming
Ma'am Si Min
Ma'am Jia en
Ma'am Cera
Ma'am Atiqah
Ma'am Aisyah
Ma'am Pushpa
Ma'am Suadittya
Ma'am Preeti
Ma'am Kashthuri
i soooooo wanted to stay over
the stories weren't finished when i went home...

i was soo nervous for skit but it was ok in the end
i loooved squad song
and mass song...
everyone was like crying after the first chorus (except sec 2s and some others)
and i got to hug all the ma'ams
i didnt want farewell to ever end
it was all so fast
it's like i miss all the times
i totally cant believe i didnt like the sec3 ma'ams (2005) when they first stepped up
i really regret that
now when i listen to my phil collins cd( you'll be in my heart) i feel like crying
ma'am ying qi was the first one to start crying during the footdrill song
i feel that we could have done more
now it's all over...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


good stuff
we got first in the east district and third in overall.
and ma'am Ying Qi got BEST COMMANDER!
east district:
congrats to ALL footdrill competition ppl!
good marks for some subjects
camp nxt week

bad stuff
got so low for overall marks for mt CAs!
so much holiday homework
camp next week

notice camp is good & bad?
bad part:
it's damn tough
so much scolding
have to take care of a rotten buddy
doing camp report
campfire that i have to miss(sobs)
good part:
on the last day, we get to sue the ma'ams(but we will lose anyway)
but it's so super fun
and i'll get to lose weight
and b'cos of dat, u tink the whole camp was so worthwhile

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


"O Helena , goddess, nymph, perfect, divine!
To what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne"
that was the first 2 lines of my part for the lit drama thing...
moving away from that topic,
today for our video thing we rushed like MAD
i wasted $1.70 buying the wrong thing! i bought dvd instead of dv cassette (sob)
then the video is supposed to be 10 mins but ours was only like 2 mins plus
geog test i made those silly mistakes but i still like geog (dunno why)
tmr science test! balancing equations and chemical formula
have i studied? no.
im supposed to do the camp group flag but i can't cos my vanguard sheet had lyk this squashed worm on it & it was so GROSS
today for science miss (ma'am) Sarah Ee relieved our class cos mr ho's on course
she taught really well. budden if she call on me then i dunno how to answer
i just realised he miscounted my science CA marks and failed me
but i cant tell him cos he's on course
dun even noe whether he'll let me talk to him when he comes back
ppl, wish me luck

Sunday, February 12, 2006


new sec 1s! 11 of them
it is hard teaching the sec 1s cos its like we dunno wat to teach by when then if we leave sth out then we scolded by the ma'ams. i noe its somewhat our fault but...
then its like... when we want to teach them sth then they dun turn up, esp during recess. some of them cant even communicate within their own class. 1 comsolation: at least the greeting not so bad(only for us) but then they still dunno the ma'ams so they dun greet them. then that huifen, devi and vejaya scold the sec 1s until so exaggerated. they dun hav to do that wat... abit only then shout at them.
some of them are really very good.(enthu) but the rest... i noe we oso very slack, so cant complain.
as for the red cross fund, still got squaddies nvr gimme baqck the money. dat's why i totally hate collecting rc fund. then that hui fen tell e ma'ams that she will be taking the video then in the end she didnt take. when i ask her then she say "nvr mind,later" then aft training when we didnt take anything then she keep pestering me about when to take the video.i already tell her that i cannot meet during weekends but she still keep pestering me. wat's the point? the other ppl in video award oso cant meet... now hav to meet on monday AND tuesday!
hooray i passed geog! but i failed maths, its lyk i failed by only half mark!!! and something wierd is happening to me, i actually like SCIENCE!!! i can understand mr ho teaching balancing equations better than my tuition teacher. whoopee!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


whoops! haven't updated dis for ages
yay! ma'ams got 3rd for dance(talentime)
actually i feel dat e skit was really nice n we ought to have gotten a price
it was so fun... really did not regret going
(nyjc was so big! luckily e ma'ams told us how 2 find them. if not we would surely be lost n miss the performance!)
ameerah performed really well oso (she's e only one in my squad performing)
i tink i wan to take part in talentime nxt year...